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orange roses


Ornamentals are those grown for decorative purposes in gardens or as house plants. They include a range of species including rose, petunia and poinsettia.

Benefits of AmētrosTM, FortalisTM, and InCaTM on ornamentals
  • Improved plant quality and uniformity.
  • Reduce calcium disorders.
  • Increased stem, flower and leaf length.
  • Greater marketable yield.
  • Compatibility with other AgChem foliar sprays.
graph showing increased pointesettia leaf on ornamentals when Inca applied

Increased poinsettia leaf length

Ornamental growers have enhanced plant size quality thanks to the biostimulant power of InCa. These products optimise the availability and distribution of calcium in the plant. This allows for an increase in calcium concentration in distal leaf tissues, which improves calcium disorders and promotes growth. 
Recommended products to be applied to ornamentals
Apple tree in a field


Amētros is a foliar spray that contains calcium, zinc and our calcium mobility technology.

pile of fresh strawberries


Fortalis is a foliar spray containing calcium, zinc and our calcium mobility technology.

Rows of red and green lettuce


InCa is a foliar spray that contains calcium, zinc and our calcium mobility technology.

raspberries garden


Movax combines a Plant Impact abiotic stress resistance technology within a nutrient package

Literature downloads

Movax horticulture data sheet

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