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Rows of red and green lettuce


InCa™ is an advanced foliar spray that contains calcium, zinc and a Plant Impact calcium mobility technology that reduces the risk of calcium disorders and improves shelf-life. InCa has proved effective on a range of crops, for more information see our product sheets.

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Benefits of InCa 
  • Improved crop quality, storage and shelf-life.
  • Reduction of tip burn and other calcium disorders.
  • Less crop waste and more marketable yield .
  • Compatibility with other AgChem foliar sprays.
microscope image of a translucent leaf

Calcium mobility technology

Our calcium mobility technology optimises movement and distribution of calcium in plant tissue.

Graph showing how InCa with our calcium mobility technology application increased calcium concentration in lettuce leaf

Increased leaf calcium concentration in lettuce

In trials carried out in the Netherlands on romaine lettuce, tissue nutrient analysis shows InCa delivering more calcium to where the plant needs it. InCa was applied three times, at a rate of 1 L/ha next to a 6% calcium metalosate product at 3 L/ha. The enhanced calcium mobility, enabled by CaT, resulted in InCa treated plants achieving 14% higher leaf calcium concentration, despite receiving 3.6 times less calcium than the 6% control. More data can be found in the data sheet.
Recommended crops for InCa
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Literature downloads

InCa brassica data sheet

InCa lettuce and leafy salad data sheet

InCa potato and root veg data sheet

InCa soft fruit data sheet

InCa soybean data sheet

InCa tomatoes and other greenhouse edibles data sheet

InCa tree fruit data sheet

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