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green lettuce leaves


eNTiton™ is an advanced foliar spray containing liquid, foliar applied nitrogen technology that can be applied to horticultural and oilseed rape crops. Through a stabilised ureic/cation complex, the rate at which ammonium is released is decreased and in turn nitrate. This sustained release serves to reduce leaching and volatilisation while optimising nitrogen delivery to plants, encouraging better establishment, rooting and growth. 

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Benefits of eNTiton
  • Optimised nitrogen delivery to reduce leaching and volatilisation.
  • Better rooting and establishment.
  • Better growth habit; shorter, more compact plants.
  • Increased marketable yield.
  • Formulated with calcium (eNTiton Ca), potassium (eNTiton K) or magnesium (eNTiton Mg).
lettuce root biomass uplift graph when entiton is applied

Root biomass increase in lettuce

In UK glasshouse trials, lettuce (Panisse variety) seedlings, grown in module trays, were treated with weekly foliar applications of 1% eNTiton K solution. As shown in the graph, after two weeks, eNTiton K treated seedlings had significantly greater (P<0.05) root biomass compared to control plants. More data can be found in the product sheets.
Recommended crops for eNTiton
Literature downloads

eNTiton horticultural data sheet

eNTiton OSR data sheet

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