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dark green brassica leaves


Brassica vegetables are part of the cabbage or mustard family and include crops such as broccoli, kale and cabbage. Calcium deficiency is a key problem in brassicas, leading to disorders like tip burn or internal breakdown, which greatly reduces marketable yield. Applying biostimulants can help overcome issues like calcium deficiency. Plant Impact has a range of biostimulants that can be applied to brassica, such as eNTitonTM, InCaTM and FortalisTM.

Benefits of eNTiton, InCa and Fortalis on brassica
  • Reduction of tip burn, internal breakdown and other calcium disorders.
  • Increased average head weights.
  • Less crop waste and more marketable yield.
  • Compatibility with other AgChem foliar sprays.
Graph of calcium content increase in brassica when InCa is applied

Increased calcium content in white cabbage

Brassica growers have reduced crop waste thanks to the biostimulant power of InCa. In UK trials, InCa significantly increased (P<0.05) white cabbage calcium contents unlike two competitors. More data can be found in the data sheet.
Recommended products to be applied to brassica
Literature downloads

Movax horticulture data sheet

eNTiton horticultural data sheet

InCa brassica data sheet

InCa Plus brassica data sheet

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